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10 things an online learner can’t live without


Here are the essentials of an online learner:

A computer or laptop!

We deliver all of your learning material directly to your computer or laptop, and the online portal is where you’ll spend your study time, so a device which connects to the internet is an absolute must.

A pen and paper to take notes.

It’s very important to take notes, as you can read over them in your spare time, and they’ll be useful for revising.

A quiet place to study.

Make sure you have a quiet, comfortable place to do your reading. Somewhere away from distractions!


Flashcards are so useful for students, as you can write key points on them, and then go over them when you have a minute.

A good playlist!

Make a playlist full of the songs that help you focus and get you motivated.


Every student needs some trusty snacks to get them through!

Plenty of water.

Make sure you keep hydrated, as it is essential for brain function.


Go through your notes and highlight key words and paragraphs to help you learn.


If you need a boost then a cup of coffee will help to kick start a study session/


Get some good quality lavender spray to help you unwind in the evening.



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