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Each individual in this world is a person of his own with traits and characteristics which define him. In such context, it is natural to expect different levels of intellectual capacity amongst people. As a result, people tend to grasp information at varying speeds. What you teach one person and what he gains from it will not be the same with another individual. This is why it is essential that teachers adapt to these differences in learning among students and find students with dyslexia.
The Diploma in Dyslexia Awareness gives you the knowledge required to handle such real-world situations and we will come to that topic soon.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder which is related to reading with problems in identifying sounds of speech and matching them to their relevant letters and words. Primary dyslexia is said to be a dysfunction of the left side of the brain. This reading disability can sometimes be related to hereditary factors. However, the exact cause of dyslexia is not still confirmed. Treatment of this condition requires proper planning between parents and teachers. Level 3 Diploma in Dyslexia Awareness will give you the knowledge and skills required to handle students suffering from this condition.
So how do you identify if someone has dyslexia? A teacher may not be able to identify if a student has this condition. This needs to be identified by a psychologist or healthcare professional. However, as a teacher, you can suggest to seek medical assistance if you suspect that a student is having this condition. Following a course related to Diploma in Dyslexia Awareness online in UK will help you to identify such a student and follow the necessary course of actions related to it.
Here are some signs a person might show if he or she has dyslexia;
Addressing all of these issues means that you need to have the relevant knowledge and skills with regard to dyslexia. Obtaining a Diploma in Dyslexia Awareness is the best way to do this.
Students with dyslexia have a special condition which needs attention. They are not the same as every other ordinary student in class. So you need to keep it fair on students with this condition when it comes to assessing their knowledge through tests. A Level 3 Diploma in Dyslexia Awareness will provide you adequate knowledge on how to handle such situations
Here are some common assessment accommodation for students who have specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia;
A separate room – Providing a room separate from other students, make students with this condition less prone to exam pressure. It also helps to give them a place with less noise and distraction so that they can concentrate more which helps when dealing with their disability.
Extra time – A disability sets a child behind ordinary children, which means that they deserve the extra time to write and review their answers in an assessment.
Read out loud – Reading the questions and answers out loud can assist with the child’s sensory feedback which can help him perform the assessment better.
A question reader and clarifier – A teacher who can aid in reading out and clarifying the questions in the paper can help the child to understand the question better in order to answer it correctly.
Disregard spelling mistakes – When spelling is not the focus of the assessment, any mistakes when writing words should be ignored due to the disability of these students. Focus should not be given to spellings in the answer.
Use of a computer/laptop – The use of an electronic device such as a laptop can help students with dyslexia to cope with their disability which can involve writing.
Record answers – These students can record the answers to each question in the paper using a recording device instead of writing them on the paper which they might find difficult to do.
Special formatting – It is advisable to give a question paper with large fonts, colours and less content per page for these students as this might help them to grasp information on the paper.
Use of special software – The use of special software which could convert voice data to text for writing and print data to speech for reading can be a great asset for these students who may find it difficult to read from the question paper and write the answer on the answer sheet.
Extended time period – The time frame of the exam could be extended for a longer period so that the students can handle the exam pressure well and will not feel overwhelmed. The exam could be divided into different time slots on the same day or conducted over several days
All of these assessment accommodations are for students with dyslexia to help feel at ease at a time when they might be under pressure, which could worsen their situation. Following a Diploma in Dyslexia Awareness online in UK can be really helpful for you to identify these aspects of students with dyslexia and to work accordingly.
Our Diploma in Dyslexia Awareness – Level 3 covers a vast range of topics related to this medical condition. The course includes symptoms to identify if a child has dyslexia, strategies to follow for dyslexia students, what dyslexia look like in the classroom, the causes and effects of dyslexia and many more topics. Key features of the course are access to high-quality study materials, one year’s access to the course, personalized learning experience, an accredited UK qualification and support by chat, email and phone. If you want to follow the Level 3 Diploma in Dyslexia Awareness courseyou need be above the age of 16 and have a basic understanding of English and ICT. If you are good to go, make sure to log in to our website for more information on the courses we offer.
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