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From Beginner to Expert: How to Capture Perfect Digital Photographs


We’re celebrating the World Photography Day on the 19th August and that makes it perfect timing to discuss one of the hottest trends in the world of photography today – Digital Photography.

It could appear to be a bit of a cakewalk, until you really start focusing on quality and how your photographs can be captured to gain attention from your audience.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert these tips can help you identify the right methods of capturing stunning digital photographs. Read on and see if you use any of these tips to increase the quality of your digital photography.


(Source:ExposureGuide – Digital Photography Tips)


Understand Digital Photography First

The range of digital cameras available today offer amazing image quality that has the ability to compete with film directly. These cameras look and behave just like the traditional ones but also come with some added features that are unique to digital photography. The camera that you buy should be simple and easy to use. In fact, complicated cameras are slowly going obsolete because photographers do not want to waste time figuring out complicated technology.

However, none of this will help if you lack your basics.

For good quality imagery you need to know the fundamentals of digital photography to begin with. This is why you should think about getting some basic education on the subject. You can do research, read articles done by experts and follow the social media profiles of digital photography maestros, or even take a Digital Photography Online Training Course.

Confused about which camera to buy? You can get some great insight from this blog about buying the best camera that’s suitable for you.

Have You Heard About the Rule of Thirds?

The Rule of Thirds helps you take really eye-catching photographs through the implementation of one of the most effective methods in digital photography. Imagine four lines; two horizontal and two vertical, lying across the image. This should basically create nine squares of equal size on the image.

How Can Imaginary Lines Help?

Well, sometimes images will look great with the focal point being placed right in the centre of the image but sometimes placing it slightly off the centre. Or towards a corner would actually add in that wow factor. If you want to move your object of focus off-centre all you have to do is simply place it on one of the intersecting points of those imaginary lines. The goal here is to let the eye wander through the image and explore it.  A great example is the image below;


(Source:Photography Mad – Rule of Thirds)


Want to know more about the Rule of Thirds? Here is a great blog from Exposure Guide that can give you an in-detail explanation.

Avoid Camera Shake at Any Cost (Unless You Want that Effect)

(Source:TechRadar – The Exposure Triangle)

Now, there are photographs that are meant to look a bit blurry and if that is the effect that you are looking for camera shake is a great way to get what you want. But for the most part, blurry images are not something aesthetically pleasing to look at. So here are some quick tips to help you avoid this problem;

  • Learn how to hold your camera correctly with both hands. One hand should be around the body and one around the lense. Hold the camera close to you for additional support.
  • The shutter speed should be compatible with your focal length. If the shutter speed is too low any slight movement will cause a big blur. For this you can also use the following equation known as the Reciprocal Rule;

1 / Focal Length (in mm) = Minimum Shutter Speed (in seconds)

If you want to learn more about how you can use this simple formula, take a look at this guide.

  • Use a tripod or a monopod as much as you can.

The Exposure Triangle is Your Best Friend!

(Source: )


Your photographs should have the right level of exposure and overall appearance and to get all this right, you need to know about three main factors; Aperture, ISO and Shutter Speed.

You also need to know how these factors are related to each other so that if you change the settings on one of them, you know how you need to change the others too. One way to do this is to use Auto Mode but there is one drawback to this. You will not have control over how your images will look and that can be very disappointing.

What Can You Do Then?

Learn about Aperture-priority or Shutter-priority modes and how to shoot in Manual mode. You also definitely need to learn more about the Exposure Triangle so have a look at this informative blog.

The Essential Filter that You Must Have

(Source:ExposureGuide – Digital Photography Tips)

If You Can Only Get One Filter for Your Lense Make that One A Polariser.

The recommend type would be the circular one because it allows the camera to use TTL or ‘Through The Lense’ meters like auto exposure.

The filter will help you reduce reflections from water, metal or glass and will improve and add vibrancy to the colours of the sky and scenery. It will basically make the colours on your photographs really POP. It also protects the lense and therefore you can even use it on all of your digital photography.

The world of digital photography is one that is evolving constantly. New technology, new methods, innovative strategies and much more come into play when you want to become a professional photographer.

The best way to stay ahead of the game is to know the game and know it well. So stay updated, keep learning and more than anything else, keep practising.



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