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Gone But Not Forgotten; The Aftermath of Grumpy Cat’s Passing


Grumpy Cat and well and truly crossed the rainbow bridge and its left many of us with a void in our hearts. Tardar Sauce was like this iconic cat avatar who would always just look so grumpy that it would make all of us smile. It’s fair to say that Grumpy was a total and adorable cuteness overload.


(Source:Ars Technica | Grumpy Cat’s death marks the end of the joyful Internet)

Falling sick to a urinary tract infection, Grump Cat was not able to overcome the complications of the infection despite having received the best medical care and passed away peacefully on the 14th May, at her home in Arizona in the arms of her mommy. She was a viral sensation on the internet and her unique and meowtastic spirit just shone through and through which is probably why, we all feel a sense of loss at her passing. When the world woke up on 15th May to listen to the words “Grumpy Cat is dead” everybody just had one question; ”whyyyy?”


(Source:Metro News | The 30 most iconic Grumpy Cat memes)

She had become such a cultural phenomenon that she was also the muse at the heart of art projects, merchandise, perfumes, comics and best of all, the Grumppuccino coffee. At the time of her death she had 1.5 million followers on Twitter and 2.4 million on Instagram while her Facebook followership was a stunning 8.5 million!!! Feeling nostalgic? You can check out 30 of Grumpy’s most iconic memes right here.


Can cats get this ill this fast?

Now, in the aftermath of Grumpy Cat passing away, cat care is probably one of the most important and immediate things that comes to mind of possibly every feline lover ever. You may want to make sure that your furry ball of snuggles doesn’t fall ill. Here are some great ways in which you can ensure that.

Keep your cat’s vaccinations up to date

Don’t miss out on the vaccination dates or even their deworming days. It is extremely important that cats are given the right dose of medications and vitamins at the right time and that they are dewormed to ensure good health. Keeping up to date on this can keep your cat healthy.

Cats are masters of masking buy ultram online pharmacies pain

Another important aspect of cat care according to specialists is knowing that your cat is a master (or mistress or possibly even ACE) at masking pain. They don’t show that they are in pain even when they are in agony inside. However symptoms you can look out for are changes in eating habits, bowel movements, mood and temperament. If the cat is irritable, lethargic and refusing to eat or just looks and feel different, we recommend you pay a visit to the vet just in case.


(Source:Moneycontrol | Social media sensation Grumpy Cat dies aged 7)

Stay educated about cat care

The best way for you to administer the right cat care is to actually learn it. There are many ways in which you can educate yourself over the internet or actually, if you are really passionate about it you can even enrol on a short course that can give you valuable insight about your feline’s health.

Cats are just sensitive

You wouldn’t even think of it given that cats are super proud and all that, but in reality they are really sensitive both physically and mentally. A sick cat’s health can decline in hours not days and you would lose them before you know it. So stay alert and stay close to your cats. The closer your bond is the better you will know.

Grumpy Cat is no more but if there’s anything we can learn from her, it’s probably that you just have to be yourself; growls, grumps, stares and dagger looks in tow.

Thank You Queen Tardar Sauce aka Grumpy Cat – Champion of Grumps, Ace of Memes and Legend of the Internet.

You are gone but not forgotten and we know you are going to rule cat heaven just like you did earth.

Our planet may have gotten less grumpy but definitely got a whole lot sadder without you.

We will miss you!!! Are you a fan of grumpy Cat? We know how you feel. If you’re worried about your own cat at home and want to ensure their good health, you can learn with us. Contact us on [email protected] for more details.

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